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We want to give you the tools to take your website from beautiful to strategic. Our best tip to you is to create an overall marketing strategy and then to focus on ONE channel at a time vs spreading yourself thin.

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Start with a strategy...

Creating an overall marketing strategy

Before you even start a social media strategy it's important to take a step back and set your overall business goals and funnels.

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Creating a Social Media Strategy

Once you have an overall marketing strategy, let's focus on creating a social media specific strategy. The goal is to plan 80% of your content ideas ahead.

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Creating an Email Strategy

Take it one step further by creating an email list and setting up automated email funnels and creating a schedule for day to day emails.

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... Then build on that

Understanding Website SEO

SEO is an important part of your business foundation. While you might not see results right away, the results you'll get in the long term are so worth it.

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The Importance of Blogging

Take your basic SEO one step further by creating articles that lead your target market to your website. A beautiful website alone doesn't bring in customers.

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Pinterest & TikTok SEO

Social media constantly changes but implementing an SEO strategy for Pinterest and Tiktok can help you in the long run. Learn all about that in this course.

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We're looking to create a full library of courses for business owners. If you have a course you want to request, please contact us. We can also do courses on business management, growing a community, hiring a team and so on. We'd love to hear what you need most.